Apply for
Grant for artists in
Northern Norway

In 2025, North Norwegian Art Centre will distribute funding through Miscellaneous Grant for artists in Northern Norway. The grant is intended to support artistic practice and may cover expenses related to, among other things, the establishment of websites and studios, publications, exhibitions, research, materials, and equipment.

As part of its work in our geographical region, North Norwegian Art Centre is announcing a total of NOK 200,000 in Miscellaneous Grant for professional artists based in Northern Norway.

The funds are distributed as follows:
* Four grants of NOK 50,000 each
The funds will be disbursed in two installments: the first upon signing the agreement and the remaining 25% upon submission of a final report with accounts.

Eligibility and Application Requirements
Applicants must be professional artists within the field of visual arts and/or crafts. This must be documented through membership in a professional artist union or other relevant professional activity, such as exhibitions at professional venues or higher education in the arts.

* Applicants must be based in Nordland, Troms, or Finnmark or be able to document that the majority of their artistic practice takes place in Northern Norway.

* The Relief Fund for Visual Artists must be credited in all information and published materials related to the project.

* Applications will be assessed based on artistic quality, activity, material and craft knowledge, innovation, and relevance.

The Application Must Include:

* Project description
 with a simple budget overview, ensuring income and expenses are balanced (max 5000 characters)
*Requested grant amount
 for the applicant(s) (max 5000 characters)
* Documentation/illustrations relevant to the project description: up to 8 images/illustrations and links to video and audio files
* Documentation of artistic practice: up to 8 images and links to video and audio files
* If projects involving multiple artists, one person must be designated as the project lead.

Application Deadline: 1 May, 2025
Applications must be submitted via email to

The Jury Consists of:

- One artist representative from Nord-Norske Billedkunstnere
- One artist representative from Norske Kunsthåndverkere Nord-Norge
- The curator at North Norwegian Art Centre

The funds for the Miscellaneous Grant are delegated from The Relief Fund for Visual Artists. The Relief Fund for Visual Artists