In 2001, the art festival marked the millennial change by launching its first website. At 27 and 28, Vibeke Sjøvoll and Gry O. Ulrichsen, both from Vågan, were the youngest curators in the festival’s history. They made use of the web catalogue to write a text that considered how poor the economic basis of the festival had become. The title of the festival was Kjærlighetens Ferjereiser [Ferry Travels of Love], taken from Edvard Hoem’s 1974 novel of the same name. In an October 2000 Lofotposten interview, Ulrichsen asserted that she and Sjøvoll had been given free rein for their work, but that the cultural director of the municipality of Vågan, Astrid Arnøy, had expressed a hope that they might integrate Vågan artists into the exhibition.