Foto og kunstverk: Alt Går Bra (olje på lerret, 55 x 38 cm)

Alt går bra


Exhibition Opening at North Norwegian Art Centre in Svolvær, Saturday 5 april, at 2 pm.

Focusing on the feral, Feralocene researches new modes of attention, emerging amidst planetary crises and the digitalization of life. Is there a ferality in art historian Claire Bishop’s notion of disordered attention? As anthropologist Anna Tsing puts it, «The term «feral» forces attention to what was once hidden in the gap between «wild» and «domestic.»… Without the concept of the feral, it is too easy to fall into a dichotomy that only includes the wild and the domestic.»

The Artist duo Alt går bra's interest in this material departs their our own experiences with the feral in daily interactions with feral pigeons in urban contexts and with «wild boars in the forest. Perceived as plagues in most environments, both species have been increasingly demonized, namely due to their interactions with humans and their infrastructures.

Their theoretical framework for this project brings together recent works by Anna Tsing (Field Guide to the Patchy Anthropocene) and art historian Claire Bishop (Disordered Attention: How We Look at Art and Performance Today).

Feralocene aims to deepen our understanding of fragmented forms of attention to both confront environmental issues and make art relevant to the contemporary moment. Alt går bra seek to engage scholars and the public to generate new insights into contemporary art’s evolving discourse, with the ambition of contributing to the ongoing decolonization of both art and attention.